Sunday, April 18, 2010

yum's the word

tonight i made homemade cookies and cream ice cream for the first time! i found an ice cream maker over a year ago while home visiting my family and asked my mom if i could have it. i brought it home with every intention of using it all the time, but instead it ended up in storage. i decided to test it out and make sure it works before taking it with me to nashville. i was nervous i would mess it up - i've never made ice cream before except in high school in my "food technology" class, where i dumped an ingredient into the bin. vicki told me to be sure and put something underneath it or else i would get salt everywhere, which was a very helpful tip that i definitely would not have thought about.

one of the reasons i haven't made ice cream until now is because i thought it took hours to make, but i quickly learned that i was wrong about that! about 20 minutes after i turned it on it stopped, and i thought "well, i guess it doesn't work". wrong! i couldn't believe how quickly it was finished. i loved the cookies and cream and can't wait to try other flavors, especially pineapple. i really loved the recipe for ice cream that vicki uses, it's simple to make and easy to remember.

2 quarts of half and half
3 cups of sugar
4 teaspoons of vanilla

after putting in these ingredients i put in broken up double stuf oreos until they reached the fill line. the ice cream it made was oh so delicious!



  1. That looks really good. If you're like me, now that you've figured out your new gadget you're going to be experimenting with it a lot. If you do why not try making some soy ice cream and let me know how it goes :)

  2. That sounds fun! My parents have an old-fashioned wooden one that you actually have to crank by hand. I think it takes a little longer than 20 minutes. You can make ice cream all summer long!

  3. That sure looks yummy. I'm lazy now though, I just go to Walmart and buy Blue Bell or whatever kind that looks good.
