Sunday, April 11, 2010

men are from mars, women are from earth.

so i went on a rant last night with tori and wanted to share it and see if anybody else thinks the same as i do. the rant was brought on by tori telling me about a guy whose mother left when he was young, leaving him to be raised by his father. i was just about to say that it was good thing that he was a boy when she said there were 5 kids in the family, which led me to this question...what does a single dad do when he is out in public with his little girl and she needs to use the bathroom? he can't take her in the women's bathroom, but he for dang sure can't take her in the men's bathroom for the sole reason of my rant - the urinal.

whose idea was it to make urinals? and why are they still around? most people don't have one in their home, so obviously men are capable of doing all of their business in one toilet. and it's not like women think they have to have a separate, different kind of toilet. we do all of our business in the same place, and we're fine with it. and don't give me the excuse that we always sit down. just because you're not sitting down on it, it doesn't mean you can't stand over the same one you sit on.

and if they insist on having urinals, why not make stalls for them? what is okay about just standing out in the open and peeing in front of everybody? aren't guys the ones that can't sleep in the same bed as each other and make fun of girls for going to the bathroom together, yet they just walk in and whip it out in front of a room full of strangers. say what you want about girls, but at least we're consistent in our privacy issues.

and when they don't have a urinal around, they think they have to pick the lid up (and leave it up). ridiculous. they've been using a non-urinal, regular toilet in their house their whole life. i'm just saying, if you can't get in the huge hole with the lid down, putting it up isn't going to help you out. i understand it might be hard when they're say...3, but after that their aim shouldn't be so bad. and if they can't go without getting it on the seat, they need to be sitting down on it.

oh, and the droplets they like to leave on the seat? turns out they really should be using toilet paper every time they go just like us girls, they just don't.

something really is wrong with boys.


  1. I am laughing so hard right now. You are so right! I was just asking my husband about this whole urinal thing the other day when we saw the show The Marriage Ref and a man wanted to put one in the bathroom! I mean what is the deal? I agree with you, they should not only be able to use a regular toilet, but they should be able to manage with the seat down! Great point about the paper thing btw. And I agree that if they can't sleep in the same bed they shouldn't be able to pee next to each other.

  2. All I can say is AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I did put my two cents in when Meghan was writing this so I could suffice it to say I agree with ALL of it!!!! We had never thought about it but really why do they put the seats up????? It doesn't give a lot bigger hole to aim in to - only thing I could think of was the whole dribbling thing - again agree with Meghan on this one - stop criticizing us for using so much toilet paper and use a little yourselves!!!! Well I feel better now!!!!!!!!

  3. Alright I think I have to play devil's advocate here a bit. Do you realize how little space is in those stalls? Imagine you had to stand up and take aim in that tiny little space. Not a good predicament. I think that's the reason for the urinals, it's all a space issue.

    As far as lifting up the seat goes I think it appeases the tiny droplet of guilt that they possess when it comes to the well tiny droplets that they leave. They pretty much always leave them BUT if they lift the seat up they are left on the bowl rather then the seat. Still ridiculously disgusting but much easier to deal with. Do I have to run the toilet brush around the bowl every day, yes. Would I rather that then the morning surpise of a wet toilet seat, absolutely.

    As far as the dad with the daughter in the public restroom scenerio well, sorry daddy, you're going to have to crowd her into a stall...just like I have to do when I take my son. Tough luck buddy.

    All that said, I can not for the life of me figure out why they are willing to line up like cattle and do their business but heaven forbid sit too close to each other or *gasp* sleep in the same bed. But the big boy bathroom issue for me is how in the world are ya'll getting pee on the wall? Really, if you do indeed have the ability to make designs on the tile you defintely should be able to shoot a straight line into the hole.

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog, see there I just became a follower, looking forward to reading more.

  4. After watching an episode of Manswers that showed just how awful the average man's aim is I would almost insist on a seperate bathroom for any male. The UV light they used showed a disgusting amount of glowing wee splattered all around the urinal. The results showed that men need a HUGE target to actually be able to keep the dribble to mere droplets. Now I need to go clean my bathroom.

  5. I've just got to add, splatters are another argument for guys sitting instead of standing! The force in which their pee hits those urinals makes splattering much worse than if they were hitting the bowl!!! Regardless, they are bound to splatter when they stand - so guys buck it up like we do and just sit - Keep America clean, or at least keep bathrooms clean!!! And as long as we're complaining...Women, if you cannot squat and hit the toilet then just sit yourself down and pee IN then toilet and not ON the toilet!!! Nothing irritates me more than to go into a stall to find pee ALL over the seat - I mean what makes one woman think another woman wants to see her pee - come on ladies - Clean it up or go give the urinals a try, really doesn't matter where your pee goes in there!!!!

  6. I honestly don't know of one single issue that I could raise that hasn't already been addressed. Except, how many of you girls have ever sat down on a wet toilet seat, not knowing beforehand. As my little Jacob says, "That's disgusting!" And it's one thing to pee on the seat at home and leave it for us to clean up, but guys even do it in public restrooms. And sometimes not just the seat or lid, but the wall, floor and anything else they can hit, and walk away knowing what they've done. I have 4 bathrooms in my house. I have mine, and Joe Bill and Joey each have theirs, but I bet you can guess whos they use all the time. Anyway Meghan, you got all us girls riled now over something that has always been and will probably always be. Love you.

  7. I agree with this entire post and rousing comment section. Pee is gross, men are gross. What more needs to be said?

  8. Ok, I understand that when using the bathroom that towards the end you may tend to get a little dribble here and there. Here is what I don't understand, why can't you take a small piece of toilet paper and wipe it up, especially in your own bathroom. Instead they have to wait until it drips down the front of the toilet and gets on the floor and dries and we have to clean it up. So I am imposing a rule, it may start now, but definitely when Sterling is a standing peeer meaning both of my toilets will be nasty. If you don't wipe up your pee you have to put money in the jar. Some people have a cussing jar, I think we will have a pee jar!
