Sunday, April 18, 2010

the plea of mankind

about 2 weeks ago hillary, tori, vicki and i loaded up in a car to drive to texas to get memaw for a visit. we left in the afternoon, so after about 3 hours of driving it was dark in the car. hillary and tori were laying in the back either half asleep or listening to ipods when all of a sudden hillary felt a bug on her leg and popped up. she started feeling around in her pants and yelled at tori "shine your light on me! hurry!" when she yelled that i immediately thought of Jesus. she sounded so urgent and desperate, and why wouldn't she?? after all, she did have a bug walking around in her pants.

everyone has felt the need for something more at one point or another in their lives. even you, person who is reading this. many, myself being the chief, have tried to fill the void, the emptiness, with things of this world. there are so many distractions the world has to offer to try and satisfy our every need that someone could easily spend their whole life going from one fulfillment to the next. friends, possessions, status, marriage, money - these are all things that society has put a stamp of achievement on, and attaining them gives you a mark of importance. but what happens when the well runs dry, when you are no longer loved or praised for what you've done or who you are? what do you do when you've "got a bug in your pants" so to speak? time and time again your entire being cries out to God: shine Your Light on me! hurry!

years ago i remember laying down one night and thinking "is this really what my life is? this can't be it." my depraved heart knew that something was missing, that there was a reason other than myself to live for. counting on people to fill my happiness left me empty too many times to recount. i was an absolutely spoiled, self-centered, rude teenager and i cant say it enough, i'm really sorry about that, mom. no matter what i got, who i dated, what i did in my spare time, how much fun i had, i always wanted more. i was truly a wretch. i didn't just have a bug in my pants, if anything i would have been the bug. but bugs are just bugs, they are not nearly disgusting enough to make a comparison when it comes to talking about a sinful heart. without me even realizing, my depraved life shouted shine Your Light on me! hurry!

praise God that He is the One to fill our emptiness, our need for everything. and praise Him that calls us to Himself, draws our hearts closer without our invitation, knowledge or permission. praise Him that we have the Bible, the Truth to cling to while false gospels are being taught. praise Him that when i cried out from my soul "shine Your Light on me! hurry!" i brought Him glory!!

"awake, o sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

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