Friday, May 28, 2010

j-biz is the shiz.

today has been fun. joy beth is here with her sweet friend lauryn and there are 5 mattresses stuffed into my room for a never ending (until saturday)slumber party. after a joyful reunitation last night we stayed up late acting silly and slept in (not too) late. we spent the day by the pool laying out, reading, listening to music and playing in the water. after that we came home and grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, which were oh so delicious. we then played quelf and hilarity ensued. after that we had the first watching of new moon together. if you know us or like the twilight saga then you understand the seriousness of this. and now here it is 2:30 in the morning and we have spent the past several hours ranting about boys.

i really like it when joy beth is here.

-(barely awake)meghan


  1. Glad you girls are having so much fun and enjoying each other so much. Try not to get to wild and crazy!!!! Yea, right. It's 4:00 a.m., ya'll have spiked mohawks and take off to the donut shop.
