Monday, May 17, 2010

drew & the medicinal pen

so i'm going to try and start doing a 'music monday' post. chances are it won't pan out, but we'll see how it goes.

my newfound love from the spencer bell legacy show is drew & the medicinal pen. i've listened to their songs and watched videos online for about a year, but seeing them live took me from thinking they were pretty cool to thinking they are the freekin bomb diggity. oh how i love DATMP, let me count the ways:

1. their sound can't be duplicated.
2. some of their tunes are mellow while others will have you dancing your little heart out, yet they are all cohesive with each other. there are so many bands out there that have no idea what they are all about, and often the result of that is crap. not the case with drew and co.
3. i have a girl crush on missy and anna. (for the grown ups that read my blog, click 'girl crush' and see definition numero uno.)
4. speaking of missy, i really like it when there's a classical instrument thrown into the mix of not so classical music. she plays the violin oh so well.
5. speaking of anna, all you have to do is watch her for .5 seconds and she'll have you jamming right along with her, whether you want to or not.
6. drew's lyrics are not simplistic, but they also don't leave you standing there going "what the hayfield did he just sing about?" they leave you thinking, and more often than not they are very relatable. and no matter the song, they make you feel something.
7. what can i say about zach that isn't obvious? drummers are always the coolest member of any band. fact.

okay, i'm going to quit counting now. clickity click to go to their myspace and listen to "hey chanae". it'll be stuck in your head after the first go round, promise. tori and i sang it all day long the day of the nashville flood and severely annoyed hillary with it. whilst we were in the car taking good ol joshy home for 4 hours i let her have a listen to it on my ipod. she said "oh, i do like it!" so go ahead, have a listen. the same thing will happen to you.

here's a couple of vids for ya. since i've gone on and on about this song, the first one is "hey chanae." the second one is "fish out of water," and i realize the sound isn't great, but i wanted to put a vid of everybody hopping around and anna screaming. i think i'm going to write a song just for the sole purpose of scremaing at the top of my lungs. enjoy!!

if you're hooked, then go here and skip ahead to minute 45. this is from the concert tori, lindsey and i were at. you're welcome.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE DREW AND THE MEDICINAL PEN!! they are so awesome and I agree with all said above! hope everyone else falls in love with them!! as a matter of fact I am listening to them while I clean my room and pack for Nashville!!
